The piece takes inspiration from the poem “Acrobata” by Edoardo Sanguineti, gifted with a playful vocabulary and a rhythmical – but at the same time suspended – pace. In particular, “procedere in punta” (“proceed on tip”) is the main image, used several times in the poem, which I tried to translate and articulate into the musical texture, giving each time a new meaning:
– “in punta di piedi” (on tiptoe) becomes a rhythmical alternation between balance and instability.
– “in punta di mani” (on fingertip) is translated through the gestures of the performers (pizz., punta d’arco etc.)
– “in punta di forchetta” (on tip of a fork) is transferred to dynamic- and register’s limits.
The intension therefore is not to paraphrase the poetic text, but rather to freely draw from the wide set of symbolic, phonetic and perceptual suggestions offered from the words and their sound.