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Incubi della veglia

pagine: : 32      durata    10’00”    Formato A4

codice ISWC    T-315.532.385-2

cat.3858          codice ISMN  9790705107661



Incubi della veglia is a travel sound performed by historical flutes without placing the emphasis on the musical tradition to which they are linked.  Baroque, classic and modern flute and piccolo, flute in C and in G dialogue with each other as a set of decomposed echoes that converge together in unison. The five miniatures that make up the piece are inspired by the five phases of sleep linked to the five phases of the elaboration of a loss: what would happen if the nightmares of the night were experienced, with open eyes, during the day? Perhaps they would turn into dreams or just nightmares while awake. In this dimension parallel to reality, the first phase (Echi) is that of falling asleep, which in loss corresponds to the phase of denial or rejection, which is followed by the phase of anger (Violence), of light sleep, in which nothing is sure but everything is instinct. The third phase (Go down), is the phase in which the desire to return to a phase of absence of pain not yet reached prevails; in the fourth miniature (Linee d’ombra), the sleep is deep, the movement is slow towards the abyss ready to go up again in the last phase, that of the acceptance of the loss (Rapid Eye Movement), in which clear dreams reappear, accompanied by a gradual increase in breathing and brain activity.